If you’ve not read part 1 of this story you probably need to start there for this post to make sense.
Having been refocused on achieving one of my simming goals for 2024 I and loads of others embarked on the TwoToneMurphy IFR ATC course. The course itself was fantastic, well put together and incredibly informative. Murph updated the ground school document each week which included his previous VFR ATC course. This document is now an incredible 200 page document with pretty much everything you could possibly want to know!
Each week we reviewed the last weeks content and then went through the next section of the course including Phraseology, VATSIM control logic, communications with ATC, the list goes on and on. We built on all of our gained knowledge and practically applied it on a custom closed ATC network using Discord and a custom implementation of Euroscope. Each lesson was streamed on Twitch and YouTube and has been recorded for others to pick up and learn from, it also allowed participants to go back over the sessions and review things at their own pace.
Over the 11 weeks of the course my confidence grew and I felt more and more comfortable talking on the radio and following the directions from the controllers.
Then the 11th week came and we carried out a full checkride, from start to finish, clearance, push and start, taxi, takeoff, transition through control sectors, vectoring, arrival and for good measure I even got a go around. I’m happy to report I passed! ✅
Since then I’ve been flying a lot on VATSIM, with other members of the FFA community and solo and I now have over 100 hours flying on the network. I’m really proud of of getting to the point where I’m happy I can do everything I need to fly along with during Worldflight.
It goes without saying I couldn’t have done any of this without the amazing effort and support from TwoToneMurphy and the community who put the course together so my eternal thanks to them to get me to this point.
The course videos are all available over on YouTube so if you want to learn all the things required to fly on VATSIM you can watch them at your own pace, you won’t have access to the private voice network but you can still practice talking it through to yourself.
For more information on TwoToneMurphy and the Firefly community head over to Twitch, YouTube or join the Discord
As for Worldflight – I’ll post more on that next week (it’s coming soon!!).